Company QA/QC Policy
company QA/QC policy
Quality assurance is fundamental to Solid Horizon Sdn Bhd and its employees within all our daily activities. The Company is committed to providing the highest standards of customer service as well as making effective contributions in all stages of our projects as we believe in long-term relationships with clients.
It is company policy to provide customers with quality products and services such as:
- Meeting customer requirements
- Availability at the right time
- Economical
- Reliable
Quality is managed by employees who take personal pride in our finished products. We discuss and agree comprehensively on our method statements and we constantly monitor our performance, workmanship and materials. The quality of our services is enhanced by working systematically to formalize procedures designed to eliminate deficiencies. It is the responsibility of the Quality Assurance Department to ensure that the necessary procedures are put into practice.
- Procedures that ensure all operations are planned;
- Systems which identify requirements necessary to ensure accurate and updated data information;
- Managers and supervisors who ensure conformity with the procedures and the quality of work carried out within their areas;
- Employees who perform to satisfactory and professional standards;
- Maintenance of adequate quality records to demonstrate compliance.
This policy is achieved through a commitment that is shared by everyone in the company in order to achieve success.